27th September 2024

Search Costessey Town Council

Working to make Costessey a better place to live and work

Planning Applications

On notification by South Norfolk Council, planning applications are considered by the Planning meeting, and some are discussed at the next available Full Council meeting. Details of the meetings are shown in the Council Calendar. Our response counts only as a singular when Planning officers look at the number of objections or expressions of support. When permitted development requires prior notification to the local planning authority, the developer must post the Site Notices

Whilst the Town Council considers and comments on all applications affecting Costessey, the deciding authority is South Norfolk Council who consider our comments. It's also important that individual comments are made to South Norfolk Council by the published deadline.

You can be the first to find out about new applications my.south-norfolk.gov.uk

South Norfolk Council will keep you informed by:

Nature of development

Publicity required

Applications that:

· are accompanied by an environmental


· are departures from development plan

· Major Development

· Affect the setting of a listed building

· Affect the character or appearance of

a conservation area

· Affect a public right of way or

· Are made by the Council

Advertisement in newspaper, site notice and neighbour notification.

Other developments:

Neighbour notification


· Site notices will be placed on or near the site.

· Major development is: (i) erection of ten or more dwellings or housing development on a site of 0.5 hectare or more (ii) erection of a building or buildings where the floor space to be created is 1,000m2 or more and (iii) development on a site of 1 hectare or more.

· South Norfolk Council has discretion to identify and advertise other developments which are likely to be of wider concern