27th September 2024

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Upcoming Temporary Closure of Ringland Road to Facilitate Carriageway Subsidence Repair Works by Norfolk County Council (Ref No. NTRO8105)

Upcoming Temporary Closure of Ringland Road to Facilitate Carriageway Subsidence Repair Works by Norfolk County Council (Ref No. NTRO8105)

Norfolk County Council proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (the "Order") (NTRO8105) affecting the Ringland Road from 1363m south west of its junction with Beech Avenue for 807m south-westwards (the "Road") in the Parish of Ringland to facilitate carriageway subsidence repair works by Norfolk County Council, the Road will be temporarily closed (except for pedestrian access) for the duration of the works/period the closure is necessary which is anticipated to be from 3rd to 30th June 2024, but may continue to be closed/restricted until the 30th December 2024 where the closure is still required beyond the anticipated dates.

Alternative route is via: Costessey Lane, Ringland Lane, Taverham Lane, Costessey Road, Sandy Lane, Fakenham Road, Beech Avenue, Ringland Road (Ringland, Taverham, Costessey).

Vehicular access will be permitted to a final destination in the Road where signs indicating such access is possible and permitted are in place.

The Order shall automatically revoke on the completion of the works when the closure is no longer necessary or otherwise on the 30th December 2024 without further notice.

If necessary, the restriction could run for a maximum period of 18 months from the date the Order is effective.

A person who contravenes, or who uses or permits the use of a vehicle in contravention of the closure imposed by the Order shall be guilty of an offence.

Penalty: £1000 maximum fine on conviction and/or endorsement for contravention.

In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on site in advance.

Full details on the closure are available at https://one.network. Any enquiries that cannot be answered on the one.network website should be directed to the North Area Streetworks (Community and Environmental Services Department) contactable by telephone at 0344 800 8020 or email at streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk

Dated this 24th day of May 2024.

Katrina Hulatt
Director of Legal Services (nplaw)
County Hall
Martineau Lane

Posted: Fri, 24 May 2024

Tags: Notice