6th January 2025

Search Costessey Town Council

Working to make Costessey a better place to live and work

Affiliated to the Norfolk & Norwich Horticultural Society

A band of club volunteers maintain flowerbeds and keep them looking perfect throughout the year. These include the Sensory Garden beds at the Costessey Centre, The Well-Beeing-Garden and the raised bed at Breckland Library. There are currently 36 paid up members with an average of 25 people attending each meeting. Club meetings start with a cup of tea/coffee & biscuits and time for members and visitors to chat and catch up before a talk from an invited speaker. We aim to have a diverse programme of speakers including subjects on the wider natural world as well as aspects of gardening and horticulture. The annual programme includes an organised visit, walks and social time with a quiz or two. NEW MEMBERS & VISITORS WELCOME

The Costessey Centre (Jerningham Room), Longwater Lane, NR8 5AH

on 3rd Wednesday of every month (except January) 7.15pm - 9.15pm

Annual Membership - £12.00

Pay as You Go/Visitor - £3.00 per meeting

Extra pairs of gardening hands always welcome to help maintain the flowerbeds

Due to continuous vandalism to the previous structure of the flower beds at Breckland Park it was decided to give them a new lease of life and have wood cladding surrounding the structure adding additional strength as well as improving the look. Costessey Community Gardening Club who are volunteers, maintain the raised flower beds at Breckland Park and Longwater Recreational Park. A new project is being started by the gardening club where over a hundred Snowdrop bulbs will be planted adjacent to the golf course on our grounds. For further details about volunteering with the club contact info@costesseytc.org or 01603 742958

Find us on our Facebook page: The Costessey Community Gardening Club