Bus Stops & Shelters
We manage most of the bus shelters (not all) in Costessey and consider adopting new ones installed by developers if asked to.
Bus Stops are normally maintained by Norfolk Council Council. The Town Council only provides litter bins at shelters it manages below:
3 on Longwater Lane Costessey Centre / Vets / Roundwell Medical Centre
1 on Townhouse Road opposite Lime Tree Avenue – Please note there are two more on Townhouse Road at the end of Folgate Lane which are NOT managed by Costessey Town Council.
5 on Norwich Road
4 on Dereham Road A1074 (east/city bound)
1 outside Costessey Library Breckland Road
Shelters at Queen's Hills have been approved for adoption and will included in the above list once the legal transfer is complete.
To report damage please contact us